Thursday, February 20, 2020

Homeschool I.D. Card Printable

When you are looking to use an educator discount, often times they will want some kind of "proof" that you are indeed a homeschooler.  And what "screams" homeschooler than all things laminated?  In all seriousness though, here is an ID card that you can use and personalize to print off and use.  It is recommended to laminate for no other reason than keeping it nice so you don't have to print it often.  

You will notice that there is a place for the school name.  You may not have one - I did not either - but I created one just for this card.  Here are some example ideas that you could use... 

Smith Academy of Excellence 
Smith Institute of Lifelong Learning
Smith School for Children
Smith Academy
Smith Eclectic School for the Gifted

If you plan to use this file, please... 

  1. Share it by just sharing the link to this post instead of uploading it to a new source. 
  2. Do not sell this to others!